Never overpay for airfare again

A butler service that checks and alerts you if and when your purchased flight drops in price. Rebook for a refund or flight credit.

Why Monitor your Flight?

It’s no surprise but airlines are changing their prices all the time. There is a ton of research and predicting that can assist you in knowing when to book to get the best price. We recommend Google Flights – it’s an incredible tool.

However what happens after you book? Your airfare is likely going to change – either up or down. Tools today are great at helping you book, but are not good at keeping an eye on your fare for you.

Post 2020, most airlines changed their cancellation policies to allow you to either get a refund or flight credit, depending on your fare type. This is good news for you; if your flight drops you can easily rebook at the lower rate. Get money (or a flight credit) back in your pocket!

Airfare Butler is a service that watches your flights for you. We’ll check continually up until your departure date and we’ll only notify you if your price drops. We’ll promptly email you letting you know how much it’s dropped by and provide instructions on how to rebook. Oftentimes it can be done in the airline’s app, or with a quick phone call. You’ll rebook at the lower price and get money back (or a credit)!


You book your flight

Once you’ve put in the time and effort to research when to buy and you click “book flight”, just fill out a quick form letting us know.

We monitor your flight

Leveraging technology and our butler’s expertise, we monitor your flights for you.

Get notified

No more annoying emails or apps to login to. A simple email only when your airfare drops. Rebook and get money back!


Flights Tracked

43% - $101

Percentage of flights that drop, average saved

15 mins

Average time it takes to rebook

$7,305 & 125,425 Miles Saved

How will you use your savings?

You only pay if we save you money, there’s no risk in letting us watch your flight!